Learning from Chicago, Montréal, Paris

Chantal Pacteau

Chantal_PacteauIngénieur agronome, Ph.D en sciences cognitives.

Directrice de recherche au CNRS et directrice adjointe à l’interdisciplinarité du Groupe d’intérêt scientifique (GIS) « Climat-Environnement-Société ».

Co-rédactrice en chef de la Vie de la recherche scientifique.

Chantal Pacteau is currently Deputy Director at the Paris Consortium Climate-Environment-Society. Graduated from the Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon where she studied issues on sustainable development, she has also a PhD in cognitive sciences from Paris-Sud University.

Research scientist at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) since 1983, she has been working for almost twenty years in cognitive sciences. After a two-year collaboration with UNESCO, she served as Scientific Deputy Director in charge of Africa and Middle East at the CNRS Office of European and International Relations for four years. She joined the Paris Research Consortium Climate-Environnement-Society in 2007 with the aim of reinforcing interdisciplinarity between climate sciences, life sciences and human and social sciences. There, she has launched programs on the issue of cities and global change. She is involved in research programs such as the one on “Rooofscape (Learning from Chicago, Montreal and Paris)” funded by the interdisciplinary initiative “Ignis Mutat Res, Approaching Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape through the Prism of Energy” of the Ministry of Culture and the Atelier international du Grand Paris. She is also involved in strategic committees such of the one of Ecocity 2013 (The World Summit on Sustainable Cities). She is involved in the Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3-2) lead by the Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN).

Very early in her career, she has been actively involved in the issue of the relationships between science and society, and has been publishing papers in scientific journals as well as in general print media.